Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023

Public Interest Registry (PIR) is thrilled to announce the opening of submissions for the highly anticipated 2023 .ORG Impact Awards (OIAs). As one of the most prestigious accolades in the domain industry, the OIAs aim to celebrate and honor organizations and individuals who utilize the Org-Domain to create a meaningful and positive impact on the world. With a rich history spanning five years, the OIAs have served as a platform to uplift and acknowledge over 150 exceptional .ORGs from more than 60 countries. To date, the prize donations bestowed upon these remarkable recipients have reached a staggering total of $325,000. The 2023 .ORG Impact Awards presents a golden opportunity for nominees to not only receive well-deserved recognition, but also to secure donations of up to $50,000 USD. These funds will provide critical support for the remarkable work carried out by these exceptional individuals and organizations. Furthermore, among the deserving nominees, one distinguished winner will be selected as the coveted .ORG of the Year, a title that symbolizes the epitome of excellence in the domain industry. The award categories for this year's OIAs have been carefully crafted to encompass a wide array of impactful domains. These categories include Health and Healing, Hunger and Poverty, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Quality Education for All, Environmental Stewardship, Community Building, and the Rising Star award for emerging initiatives that display immense potential. By recognizing achievements in these diverse domains, the OIAs strive to shed light on the multifaceted ways in which individuals and organizations leverage the Org-Domain to effect positive change. You have a good idea, but no Org-Domain yet. No problem: register your Org-Domain today, build your website and submit your contribution to PIR by June 28th. Hans-Peter Oswald (English) (deutsch) #orgimpactaward #orgimpactawards #PIR #Publicinterestregistry #org #dotorg #orgdomain #orgdomains #nonprofit #publicinterest #award #awards #web #domain #domains

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